NGOs for Sustainagle Energy
Nordic-Baltic NGOs’ Cooperation for Sustainable Energy
International project
August 2009 - July 2010
There is a significant lack of public understanding and support for the implementation of measures devoted for the Climate Change (CC) mitigation in Lithuania and Baltic States in general. It is believed, that more efforts should be put for the reaching-out various local level stakeholders and explaining how CC mitigation activities could benefits to each member of the society. This is the area where the NGOs should step in as experts, educators and actors influencing energy policies. However due to various subjective and objective reasons, like scarcity of human resources, lack of knowledge on this broad and rapidly developing topic, CC is not well covered by the agendas of Baltic NGOs.
The project aims to overcome these difficulties, by enhancing NGO cooperation on national and Nordic-Baltic levels, for strengthening capacities of Baltic NGOs in influencing CC policies, building their knowledge of the renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies, and promotion of the CC mitigation measures at the local level. To achieve greater results, most of the activities will be concentrated in one country, Lithuania. The project information dissemination activities target people from rural areas and small towns, as these areas are very affected by the economical crisis, and many households there face necessity to reduce expenditures on energy, and to explore new income-generating activities.
Project aims to foster cooperation among Lithuanian NGOs addressing CC. To raise level of expertise of Lithuanian NGOs a study visit to Denmark was organized. Examples of effective use of RES and energy efficiency application in rural areas of Lithuania and Latvia were studied. The joint publication describing practical cases of RES and energy efficiency measures from Lithuania, Latvia, Denmark and Sweden was published. Aiming to educate society on the CC mitigation measures a national conference on the application of RES in rural areas was organized in Lithuania. To further develop their cooperation international partners of the project shall develop plan on their future joined actions.
Four NGOs from Lithuania, Latvia, Denmark and Sweden had united their knowledge and skills for the implementation of this project. Lithuanian partner "Sustainable Development Initiatives - DVI" (DVI) brings to the project its experiences in the promotion of sustainable livelihoods on the local level. Latvia Fund for Nature (LFN) is successful nature conservation NGO, and is actively promoting sustainable consumption, including sustainable use of energy. Both Baltic NGOs aim to raise level of their expertise on sustainable energy, and to become active actors in this field. While both Nordic NGOs, Ecological Council (EcoCouncil) from Denmark, and Swedish Association for Renewable Energies (SERo) have many years of experiences in promotion of renewable energy and CC mitigation measures and influencing policies. All partners are strongly motivated to continue their coperation further.